Fred James SCMEA Travel Award

$100 Travel Assistance to SCMEA conference

 Application Due: August 20- Notification: September 6

(If you did not receive a SCMEA newsletter with this form included, you may print out this form a mail it in, following the instructions at the bottom of the form).

Name ______________________________________________________

Occupation __________________________________________________

Place of Employment ___________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________

Work Phone ________Home Phone ________email ___________________

Are you currently a member of SCMEA? Please note that membership is a condition of the grant.

_____yes _____no

Are you a member of the National Marine Educators Association? _____yes _____no

Briefly define your professional role as it relates to marine/aquatic education.






Have you attended any marine education workshops, courses, conferences, etc., before? If so, please list a representative sample. Indicate if you made presentations and the topics.





Are you planning to present a paper or workshop at the conference? If so, please describe.



Please briefly describe your reasons for wanting to attend the SCMEA conference.



Statement of responsibility: I am very interested in attending the SCMEA Conference and agree to submit a copy of my registration receipt and proof of attendance. I understand that my receipt of the award is dependent upon my submittal of the proof of my attendance.


Signature ____________________________ Date______________________


Please mail completed form to: SCMEA Travel Assistance Award c/o Ruth Truluck, 982 Planters Curve, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464, by August 20th. Late applications will not be considered. THIS HONOR WILL BE AWARDED SOLELY ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
Scholarships are supported by SC Sea Grant Consortium