SCMEA Marine Educator of the Year Award
Nomination Due: August 20th
Notification: at Business Meeting of Annual Conference (Nominators notified by September 6th)
(If you did not receive a SCMEA newsletter with this form included, you may print out this form a mail it in, following the instructions at the bottom of the form).
Nominee Information:
Name ______________________________________________________
Occupation __________________________________________________
Place of Employment ___________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________
Work Phone ________Home Phone ________email ___________________
Nominator Information:
Name ______________________________________________________
Occupation __________________________________________________
Place of Employment ___________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________
Work Phone ________Home Phone ________email ___________________
Please give your reason for nominating this individual, being as specific as possible. What programs, inservices, activities, curricula, grants, etc. has this person developed, taught and/or implemented which further educates and stimulates interest and awareness about marine/aquatic environments and the organisms that live in them? Please include any other information you feel is pertinent to this person's qualifications as an outstanding marine educator. Continue on the back as necessary.
Please mail completed form to: SCMEA Educator of the Year Award c/o Ruth Truluck, 982 Planters Curve, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464, by August 20. Late applications will not be considered. THIS HONOR WILL BE AWARDED SOLELY ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.