Marsh Border

.....The marsh border is where the marshes meet the uplands. The elevation of the ground here is above the normal hight tide. Since the soil is not covered daily by the tide, and freshwater runoff from the upland flows through this area, the salinity is relatively low.

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All plant illustrations on this page are courtesy of Taylor Schoettle's A Guide to a Georgia Barrier Islands. Click here for ordering and contact info.


Common Name: Needle Rush
Linnaeus Classification: Juncus roemerianus
Description: long tubular leaf w/ sharp points, painful

Common Name: Marsh Aster
Linnaeus Classification: Aster tenuifolius
Description: small lavender or white aster flowers w/ yellow centers
Flowering Season: fall

Common Name: Sea Oxeye
Linnaeus Classification: Borrichia fruitescens
Description: succulent leaf, yellor flower, spiny burr
Flowering Season: summer
Common Name: Marsh Lavender
Linnaeus Classification: Limonium carolinianum, L. nashii
Description: small purple flowers, basal leaves
Flowering Season: fall
Common Name: Orach
Linnaeus Classification: Atriplex patula
Description: similiar to orach on beaches (A. arenaria) but smaller leaves