images and excerpts below are taken from The NOAA Ocean
Explorer page on the NOAA website. Please click on the url:
or any image below to see the full Daily log found on the
NOAA Ocean Explorer website. |
September 26 - September 29 |
26 The North Carolina Shelf mission wrapped up
today with one last morning submersible dive. The R/V Cape
Fear met the R/V Seward Johnson II at noon with the Charleston
Bump crew aboard. Science crews were switched, and the Seward
Johnson II got underway for its overnight transit to the Charleston
Bump area. |
27 The Charleston Bump has proved to be a bumpy
ride for participants of this leg of the Islands expedition.
A morning dive was completed but strong currents flowing over
the Bump pushed the Johnson Sea-Link off course of its original
destination. The sub explored a relatively flat area of rocky
outcrops, and coral sand and rubble. One of the highlights
of the dive was spotting a pink frogmouth fish. Learn about
the deep reef habitat of the Charleston Bump, find out about
managing the fisheries of Charleston Bump, and discover the
deepwater sharks that inhabit this area. |
28 Two successful dives were completed today with
many interesting samples brought to the surface. Wreckfish,
a focus for many of the researchers, were sighted on both
dives. Carmelina Livingston, the Charleston Bump Educator-at-Sea,
received the best birthday present ever --a coveted submersible
dive to 1800 ft under the sea. The weather is expected to
kick up this evening so the Seward Johnson II is heading to
Charleston overnight. Read the observations of a geologist
after a submersible dive, and view some of the specimens that
were collected during a twilight towing sample. |
29 Forced by high seas that began late yesterday
to head for shore, the Seward Johnson II arrived early this
morning in Charleston, South Carolina a day earlier than scheduled,
completing a highly succesful five-leg mission of ocean expeditions
to sight in the South Atlantic Bight. Get the perspective
of the mission's Educator-at-Sea, following her submersible
dive yesterday and see video of her exuberant return in the
Johnson Sea Link from 1800 ft beneath the sea. |