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Leg 3

Name: Christopher Stubbs

What is your major? Geology and Anthropology with a minor in Archaeology.

How did you become interested in this major or field? I like digging holes...No really I love earth science and natural history and the other people I've met and any excuse to travel, dive, make videos. Also as long as I'm digging holes nobody's going to make me wear a suit.

Where do you see yourself five years from now? Living and working on boats, preferably moving around the world. Applying to graduate school hopefully having completed a wealth of applicable experience.

What part of the research on this trip has interested you the most?I generally am interested in everything however, side scan and bottom profiling appeal to my life long love of gadgetry.

What part of the research has interested you the least? Honestly I'm not sure I could pick a least interesting part. It's all interesting.

Did you get sea sick on this trip? I won't ...I think.... I didn't