Contents: Top Leg 04 of the Transects Program To date, 45 students
(37undergraduate and 8 graduate student mentors) have sailed on one
of four cruises ("legs") aboard the 92-foot research vessel
Savannah (operated by the Skidaway Institution of Oceanography).
The cruises took place in Nov. of 2003 and 2004 and May of 2004 and
2005. Each cruise lasts for five days and includes sampling at 20
stations on the continental shelf between Charleston and the Gulf
Stream, 60 miles from shore. Also participating have been visiting
scientists from Coastal Carolina University (Dr. Scott Harris and
Jamie Phillips) and University of South Carolina (Dr. Steve Stancyk).
You'll find information, photo galleries, student profiles, photodocumentaries, student research projects and more. Top Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary Expedition Legs 02 and 03 Elizabeth Rogers, a graduate student at the College of Charleston, and Ryan Yaden, an undergraduate at the College of Charleston (and Transects Leg 02 participant), were selected by Project Oceanica as the Science/Education Liaisons to work aboard the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster. They each participated in one leg of an expedition to Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary. Elizabeth was aboard for Leg 02 from May 11-21, 2005 and Ryan sailed on Leg 03 from May 22-June 1, 2005. Gray's Reef is one of 14 National Marine Sanctuaries in the United States. It is located 20 miles offshore of Sapelo Island near Savannah, Georgia and is managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Gray's Reef is an area that consists of 58 square kilometers (17 square nautical miles) of a "hard bottom" (or "live bottom") reef system. In fact, it is one of the largest near shore live-bottom reefs of the southeastern United States. Top Loggerhead Resource Website Master of Environmental Studies graduate student Rachel Teller has produced a wonderful website on Loggerhead Turtles. The website, titled "Loggerhead Lessons: A Web-Based Educational Resource", is a wonderful tool for teachers, students and anyone who wants to learn anything about Loggerhead turtles. It contains photos of the turtles and their nest sites, photodocumentaries on their life history and management, a dichotomous identification key, standards-based activities for middle school teachers, and more! Please visit Project Oceanica's Lab and Field Resources page at http://oceanica.cofc.edu/activities.htm and click on "Loggerhead Lessons" to see this great new web resource! Top Echinoderm ID Gallery To visit the gallery go to: http://oceanica.cofc.edu/CharlestonBump2003/ChasBumpInverts3/Echinoderms.htm Oceanica at the National Marine Educators Association conference ![]() Of course in the midst of having a wonderful time in an incredible place, there was also learning and sharing among the marine educators. Leslie Sautter held a 3-hour workshop on "Exploring Plate Tectonics". Several of the activities presented can be found on Oceanica's COASTeam Aquatic Workshops (5 th grade level curriculum) at http://oceanica.cofc.edu/coasteam/AquaticWorkshops/home.htm Rachel McEvers presented two new Oceanica web resources, the "Virtual At Sea! Tour" and the online COASTeam Aquatic Workshops. The virtual tour can be accessed at http://oceanica.cofc.edu/virtual/ and the Aquatic Workshops are at http://oceanica.cofc.edu/coasteam/AquaticWorkshops/home.htm Her presentation was video-taped and is available for viewing at http://stream.hawaiirdp.org/library/nmea.asp. Rachel Teller presented her incredible new Loggerhead Turtle website. It is now available on the Project Oceanica home site at http://oceanica.cofc.edu/LoggerheadLessons/LoggerheadHome.htm Top Children's Book About Sea Turtle Rehabilitation A new book helps children to empathize with the plight of endangered sea turtles. Carolina's Story: Sea Turtles Get Sick Too! is the photographic journal of “ Carolina,” a critically ill loggerhead, as she is nursed back to health, and released from the Sea Turtle Hospital of the South Carolina Aquarium. Children realize that the story is true because of the photographs as opposed to illustrations. They relate to the turtle as it gets a shot and other medical treatments. They laugh when the turtle splashes the worker in an effort to avoid another medical check-up. They clap when the healthy sea turtle goes home to the ocean. An educational and conservation supplement and craft at the end of the book helps children (and adults) learn more about sea turtles and what they can do to help. The author (Donna Rathmell German, SCA exhibit guide volunteer) and photographer (Barbara Bergwerf, SCA Sea Turtle Hospital Volunteer and Isle of Palms Turtle Team member) are donating a portion of their royalties to the Sea Turtle Hospital at the South Carolina Aquarium to help sick and injured sea turtles. You may preview the book on www.amazon.com or www.SylvanDellPublishing.com Carolina's Story: Sea Turtles Get Sick Too! Ages 4-8, 32 Page, 10" x 8.5", Hardcover w/ Jacket, ISBN: 0-9764943-0-2, $15.95 Top At
Sea! Program Update **New At Sea! web resource** Our webmaster, Trent Tinker, has just finished an incredible At Sea Virtual Cruise. If you're unable to bring your students on the actual cruise, this is as close to the real thing as you can get!! There are "hot spots" on the virtual ship that you can click to see videos of each piece of equipment being used. Each video has an explanation of the equipment and its use. He has also included a photo tour of the entire ship so the students can take a tour of a real research vessel. You can take the virtual tour at http://oceanica.cofc.edu/virtual/ Top COASTeam Update
Aquatic Workshops online - With generous funding from the SC Sea Grant Consortium ( http://www.scseagrant.org/home.htm), the COASTeam Program partnered with the SC Aquarium ( http://www.scaquarium.org/) to offer grade-specific marine science courses for kindergarten-5 th grade teachers in 2003 and 2004. These activities are now available on the Oceanica website at http://oceanica.cofc.edu/coasteam/AquaticWorkshops/home.htm Top How Can I Learn More?! Oceanica is constantly involved in fun, exciting and educational opportunities all over the southeast. We are growing each week! Please join us on our journeys whether it's in person or through our many web resources and products. If you are an educator, please let us know if and how you utilize our web site and resource products in your own curricula. If you are interested in publishing lesson plans (pre-college educators) or laboratory/lecture classroom exercises (college faculty) on our site, please contact us! The website is always growing and changing so make sure to visit often, and please tell your friends and colleagues to visit! If you want more information on any of our projects don't hesitate to contact us at oceanica@cofc.edu Thank you so much for your support and interest. We’ll continue to keep you posted on upcoming expeditions and new web pages.