Quadrant II
Harris Meander Area, Transect Meanders

Images produced by Christopher Stubbs, CofC Geology Major, Beam Team 2007

View Chris' research poster*:
"The Transect River Channel: Sonar and SCUBA Exploration of an Ancient River "
Stubbs, C., Sautter, L., Harris, M.S., 2007, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39, No. 2

*at this time a full view of the Stubbs et al. poster is not available.

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Quadrant II includes the Harris Meander, the original meander
mapped during Leg 02 of the Transect Program, using sidescan
sonar. Dr. Scott Harris was, at the time, a visiting faculty from
Coastal Carolina University. Dr. Harris is now on the College
of Charleston faculty

View of the Harris Meander using an alternate depth scale color scheme.