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Quadrant IV, is located in the deeper portion of the Transect Meanders.
Quadrant IV, the "Trifecta Terrain", includes meanders, a broad deeper area, and
a large smooth shallow area of sand. Letters on the map refer
to locations depicted on the Murphy and Sautter poster, some of which are
are shown below.
Location alpha (VE=8, viewd looking southwest) shows
one of
the channel sections in the northwestern corner of Quadrant IV.
Location beta (VE=10), viewed looking south.
Location dw (VE=10) shows asymmetric ledge or ridge-like features.
These features may be sand waves or the outcropping edges
of rock layers. ..
Location sb (VE=10, viewed looking west) is the edge of the sand bar.
Sediment samples
indicate that medium sands dominate this area.